Basic Groups

Basic Groups are one of the two ways for organizing Users in SampleDB. For Object Permissions, a basic group acts as a single entity with all members of the group sharing any permissions granted to it.

Users can be members of any number of basic groups, leave the basic groups they are in or invite other users. Any member of a basic group can remove other members or delete the basic group as a whole.

As all users in a basic group are equal, basic groups may be best suited for those who want to freely share objects with their colleagues without fine-grained permissions. For a more detailed or hierarchical approach, see Project Groups.

Basic groups can be part of multiple Group Categories, which help finding the group in the group list.


Administrators can disable creation of basic groups by regular users.


Basic Groups were formerly known only as groups. The name was changed along with the renaming of Project Groups.

Comparing Basic and Project Groups


Basic Groups

Project Groups



Users and Basic Groups



Nested (Project Groups can have Child Project Groups)

Object Permissions

All members get the Object Permissions granted to the Basic Group

Each Project Group member has a permissions level (Read/Write/Grant) for the Project Group and will get Object Permissions granted to the Project Group up to that level

Member Invitation

Any member of a Basic Group can invite new members

Only members of a Project Group with Grant permissions can invite new members