Label Paper FormatsΒΆ

The configuration variable SAMPLEDB_LABEL_PAPER_FORMATS can be used to set available label paper formats for self-adhesive labels, which can be used when generating QR Code labels. The value of this variable must consist of a list of JSON objects. Each JSON object represents a label paper format and must contain the following keys:

  • format_name: Name of the label paper format which is shown during selection (string or dictionary with language keys (e.g. {"en": "Example Format"}))

  • labels_in_row: Number of labels in a row (positive integer)

  • labels_in_col: Number of labels in a column (positive integer)

  • qr_code_width: Width of the QR code in mm (positive integer)

  • label_width: Width of a single label in mm (positive float)

  • label_height: Height of a single label in mm (positive float)

  • margin_horizontal: Distance between two labels in horizontal direction in mm (positive float)

  • margin_vertical: Distance between two labels in vertical direction in mm (positive float)

  • paper_format: Paper format that should be used (integer between 0 and 3)
    • 0: DIN A4 Portrait

    • 1: DIN A4 Landscape

    • 2: Letter Portrait

    • 3: Letter Landscape

By default, no label paper formats are available. ([])